As a successful executive of various companies, how do you balance your work and personal life?
Going back decades, these jobs required a lot of travel that wasn’t just attending conferences. If you wanted to work, then you traveled, and quite significantly. There was a time in my career that for two years In ever was in the same country for longer than seven days. That made maintaining a home, social or work life quite difficult. During pre-pandemic-traveling times, I had made an effort to cut back, with all of the developments in ways to interact making that simpler to do. Nowadays, I think, it’s easier, especially since we’ve been mostly working from home. As an industry, we’ve come together nicely during COVID times to all meet one another virtually for events and conferences. For example, this has let me go to PTC and meet 100 people in one week from all over the world. Although, I am looking forward to the return of having regular, pre-pandemic ways of connecting with one another. Fortunately, we had our child quite late in life, when work-life was more stable. I feel badly for some people who do a lot of traveling when they have young kids. It’s tough being away from the family and, luckily, I am at the point where I can be more selective. When working remotely, I find that it’s easier to maintain a balance because you’re with the family and doing things together. To really maintain the balance, make sure to also find things that just get you away from your norm and the time to focus on your hobbies.