Issue 15
Embark on an enlightening journey through the pages of Issue 15 of Interglobix Magazine. Experience the remarkable narrative of BDx Data Centers, heralded as the driving force propelling APAC's digital evolution, with a spotlight on their pioneering strategies in AI, sustainability, and interconnection. Engage in illuminating dialogues with industry luminaries such as CEO Mayank Srivastava and COO Sujit Panda, offering profound insights into their unwavering commitment to customer-centricity. Delve into the strategic insights of Princeton Digital Group's Varoon Raghavan, unraveling Japan's burgeoning potential in the realm of data center growth. Explore the visionary stewardship of Christian Belady, architect of the Ecosystem Intelligence platform, guiding our industry towards a future defined by ecological harmony. Amidst thought-provoking narratives from CoreSite's Chris Malayter and Equinix's Krupal Raval, anticipate an enriching discourse that illuminates the nexus of innovation, sustainability, and transformative impact in the digital landscape.