Informal Interactions with Sharon Nakama

What are you passionate about? How do you maintain a work-life balance?

Work-life balance is important, and I encourage the Secretariat team to ensure they have a balance as well. Stopping work at a reasonable time to attend to the family or self-care is key. I have a fairly active life, so whenever there is quiet time, I like to pick up a good book, have a nice dinner with my husband, watch a movie, or attend a sporting event. I also belong to a local Lions Club, so I enjoy volunteering at the various community activities our organization puts on.

Work hard, play hard. We’re always busy at PTC, especially during conference time, so I like to make sure that our PTC team is taken care of in any way that I can.

My passions in life are my two grandchildren, and believe it or not, I have a love for Winnie the Pooh. My grandchildren reside in Utah with my son and his wife. Any chance I get to stop in and visit, I’m there. They are my joy and I love to watch their curious antics and their zest for life. And Winnie the Pooh you ask. Well, I’ve had a collection since the young age of nine. I have a Pooh bear from almost every location around the world, and yes, some of them travel with me to meetings throughout the year.

